Baillat Studio


Images 19 ↓


Driven by mutation, this sixth edition of Elektra's digital art biennial explores the junction of the concepts of change, movement, evolution and migration. For the identity of the event, we have centered our graphic approach around anamorphosis, a process of image distortion that makes the normal strange. The main visual is a photo - distorted - of the BIAN's flagship piece, Jonathan Schipper's Slow-Motion Car Crash. The whole is infused with an intriguing dynamism, at the crossroads of the digital and the organic.

Conceived in three phases, the BIAN 6 campaign evolves over the course of the exhibition in order to renew itself and remain fresh to the audience. It is through this evolution that the anamorphosis really comes to life, as our perception of the two automobiles, red and blue, crumbles until we are no longer able to recognize them. The whole is superimposed with a typographic system and daring blocks that invites itself in the play of perception that characterizes the campaign.


Promotional Video


Video Directed & Produced: GRIDSPACE, Music: Alain Thibault, Artwork: Jonathan Schipper

The three phases of the campaign propose a gradual increase of the anamorphosis in addition to introducing imposing yellow blocks in the visual language of the campaign. In the first phase, the communication is clearer and more didactic, aimed at the general public, while in the second and third phases, we opted for a more cryptic approach, aimed at an initiated public and which resonates more with the graphic history of the event.
Baillat Studio
Est. 2014